He has the patience of a saint with his sister. She is a real firecracker and she knows how to push his buttons! In a crowd, he consistently has one eye on her, ready to come to her rescue if needed. The bond they share is amazing.
It doesn't matter if he is on the basketball court, soccer field, baseball diamond or riding the bench, he has the best sportsmanship! He is quick to praise his team mates and lift them in a crisis. He holds his chin up and fights through the rough spots and hopes for the highs. His focus isn't simply winning the game, but coming out of the game as winners. He knows that walking away a good sport is far greater than walking away with a trophy...Ohh don't get me wrong! When he is playing, the kid is OUT TO WIN IT & will do that to the best of his ability!
The kids only intention is to make others smile and feel good about themselves. To believe in themselves & have faith in their ability- he tries to inspire others by being a good person with a fun witty and silly personality.
Blake is a great kid from the inside out, his smile radiates joy and happiness, and sincere love for life. I'm so proud to be his mother- he inspires me to be a better person. Blake truly is, my hero!