My Girl With The Curl Is FOUR!!!
Charlie Mae turned four on September 3rd. Tradition is a special breakfast and a photo of yourself before the day begins =) She woke up in a mood... as she typically does A GREAT MOOD.. the kid never wakes up crabby, maybe once and even then I think she was giving it a try, didn't like it and smiled. HAPPY is my girl =D
Charlie Mae invited her bestest buddy Kinley Jo McAnally to her party ~LET THE CELEBRATION BEGIN! Kinley Jo's Mom Maya and I went through our pregnancy's together, sharing fears, joys, movements and morning yuck ... It was special to share it with someone and then to have the girls become good friends- SPECIAL! The girls from the start have had a fun and silly bond...much like their mothers =) Kinley Jo stayed the night to celebrate... It was the FIRST SLEEP OVER... and what fun it was!!
The girls got creative after a good nights rest and decided that they weren't going to do their hair, but the were going to utilize the pony bands for SHOES.. They put the bands on and with hair sticking up were on their way to find FUN!
Mary Kate, Bella, Tanna, Jeaneal, CM, Ellie, Kinley & Drew
So as I looked at the beautiful little girl I gave birth to four years ago, it made me smile...I am blessed with such a vibrant and fun loving little girl. She knows no stranger and is a friend to all. She never hesitates to talk to others or to share and make them feel included. She is kind, loving and so nurturing. Her favorite activities are playing with her baby dolls, she lines them up in a row, on a blanket and covers them up snuggly. She is sweet in the way she makes sure they all have a spot and a place to call their own. I predict that my precious little darling will have a minimum of 5 children! And a houseful of laughter if they are anything like her! And I hope they are exactly like her, for she is an incredible girl full of life & love!!! xoxoxox