One might thin

k I lost my camera...nope! Just so busy trying to get everything organized before my great adventure that it left little time for pecking at the keys or downloading photos. I feel like I may actually be getting back on track and will again have time to put my thoughts and pictures into focus... what a good feeling. So, where do I begin... hummm
The adventure to Utah for Amy's birthday was SUPER FUN! Jamie & I had plenty to talk a

bout along the way and the view AMAZING! Of this view, I have few photos as we were on a mission to arrive in time for a Salmon dinner at my aunt's house. Which I will say was WONDERFUL!
Thursday night found us in downtown Salt Lake meeting with our TATTOO ARTISTS.... you read that correctly. We met with the artist who would design, or help with designs for our tattoos. My artist was Nick... The youngest tattoo artist in this region at only 20 years old.. did that scare me? Maybe a little, but after spending nearly an hour with him as we talked about what I wanted & I showed him the sketch I'd drawn (years ago!) of what I wanted... he made me feel like he sincerely wanted this to be an incredible experience and that he wanted it to be the work of art I hoped for to express myself.


Friday m
orning it was cinnamon rolls and coffee before we ventured back into SL

C INK for our tattoos ... I woke in the morning and my first thought was "today I'm getting a tattoo" followed by butterflies and maybe a nervous giggle... WHAT WAS I THI
After Nic

k placed the transfer onto my leg and I saw the image which I'd doodled onto paper a dozen plus times become reality, I was ready to go for it. I don't know what it was, but something about it felt like the time was right and doing this meant sharing the experience with my cousin and the design with my children forever.... I chose the Daisy to represent Charlie Mae... it is our favorite flower and when I see daisies I think of her. I chose a baseball for Blake, b
ecause that is where we aren't just mo

m & son, but we are o
ne anothers biggest fans and best form of support. He knows that no matter what he does on that field that if he looks inside his baseball hat... there he will find a message written by me at the beginning of each year. A word of encouragement and strength, words to remind him too that I love him no matter what...and a dragonfly for me, The dragonfly symbolizes going past self-created illusions that limit our growing and changing. Dragonflies are a symbol of the sense of self that comes with maturity. They are reminders that we are light & can reflect the light in powerful ways if we choose to do so. "Let there be light" is the divine prompting to use the creative imagination as a force within your life. They help you to see through your illusions and allow your own light to shine in a new vision.
Friday was a fun filled day.. Friday Night found us In Park City... where we met up with some of Amy's friends, and what a fun time that was!!

Amy, Donna, Kristin, Melissa, Jamie In Park City Utah
Amy celebrated her 40th birthday with girlfriends in Park City- we rented a condo for the night and enjoyed Margaritas with the girls before heading out for Thai Food... YUMMY! We made our way to THE SPUR for a few cocktails before closing down the town and calling it a night. We had a fun time, talking, laughing and more laughing!
I was soo happy I could be there to celebrate with Amy, one of my best friends and most favorite cousin!We had such a great time together, it was fun to spend time with her, and funny to listen to us! We have the same silly sayings and gestures.... I think people had more fun watching the two of us than anything. And her poor boyfriend.. there seemed to be a sense of confusion for him, wondering if perhaps we were separated at birth =) We think so!
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