....I love Eastern Oregon. I love just about everything about it, love the weather, the views of the mountains, the river that runs through the middle of my quaint little community, love the people and I love the western influence. The influence brought about in part by being the h
ome of the worlds third largest outdoor rodeo, the Pendleton Round Up. Each year, second full week in September out town comes alive and busts at the seams with people, cattle, and entertainment that can't be beat. And in the midst of all that hoop la, I am captured by the excitement of others, and the thrill that fills the air when a bronc bucks and a bull rears up- kicking up dirt and tossing cowboys. We yell, we cheer and we cringe when that poor fella is flung into the air and tossed on his well leathered backside! We laugh when the rodeo clowns perform and we tear up when the national
anthem is played while the Air Force fighter jets zip over head reminding us all where we were on September 11, 2001~ The Pendleton Round Up.
The excitement and fun isn't limited only to those who appreciate the rodeo and the events, there is so much more to the week! There are Parades & a carnival, Main street entertainment and CORN DOGS! Yeah.. that's what its about for me, ok well a large part of it =D And there are the concerts and Happy Canyon, the Indian Villiage and hundreds of street vendors. My daughter she gets excited about the parades and ponies! Her brother was the same, I thought for sure he was going to grow up to be a cowboy..I think he realized that the money that was won also known as "the purse" , usually ends up
in the purse of a Doctor or Dentist =O He now has his eyes set on safer ventures, like Pro Baseball or Professor of Math at OSU! THANK GOODNESS!!! It is a fun filled week ... one that comes to quickly and often ends too soon. Let'er Buck!
Pendleton's Cutest Cowgirl!!
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