I'm practical. But I'm fun too! When it comes to buying a car, well I think long term, I think safty and I think kids. So when it came time to say SoLong to my 99 Ford Explorer, which I've lived in for the past almost 11 years, I was a little sad...but got over it quickly at the thought of something new (er). Sadly the car that I purchased for nearly $30,000 is now worth a whoppin' $3000.00 UGGG I was forced to purchase a new car... well forced isn't a good word, It was time! I could put $2000 into a new engine orrr I could buy a new car. Doing the math, it was a no brainer ... even for someone who isn't good with math.
Zoooom Zoooommmm
So I set out to find a new vehicle. WOW... so many options, so many choices, so many colors, styles... mind blowing. I'm not good with choices, I prefer them be made for me... Like when buying a washer or dryer. I really truly could care less about bells and whistles, I just want clean clothes. Microwave, who cares, just heat the food. Dishwasher.. umm get the dishes clean with minimal noise and I'm thrilled! Yeah, now if we're talking about yard decor or something new in the house... I'm all over it! . Ironically I always said when I turned 40 I was getting something FUN...keeping practical in the back of my mind I'm sure ... because there also lingers the word KIDS.
PRICELESS was the smile I picked Blake up from a friends house, he walked out and a smile overtook his face BIG GRIN, he got in, spun around looking through the car, turns and looks at me "Very cool Mom, you are so not a soccer mom now"... Yeah.. I wasn't worried about that, but hey UP'ING my COOL MOM status, I'm soo good with that ;) Charlie Mae hasn't seen it yet... I'm pretty sure she'll be smitten with it, although really her biggest thrill will be moving from a carseat to a BOOSTER...waahhhooo BIG GIRL!

Yeah... lemme say, it's pretty fun...being the COOL MOM..and having a new car, That's FUN too
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