Charlie Mae participated in her first Hershey Track Meet. No, she did not run for chocolate.. oh but wouldn’t that have motivated her!! ME TOO It was a meet to qualify the older children for the Hershey track meet in Pennsylvania. Blake ran this meet when he was her age, and as I stood at the finish line camera over my eye cheering from behind it, my heart sank. I could see my little boy running toward me again like it was yesterday- only to lower the camera and look up (he was standing behind me cheering his sister on) and see that little boy has grown into an amazing big brother.
She ran very
And that little boy who ran toward my camera almost 10 (uggg) years ago, he and I had a race to see who was the fastest. What a riot! We raced in Uncle Bryan’s back yard, perfect for a mini dash. Blake won the first race yeah Blake…..ok really, whoopee!?!? I WON the second race!!! (yippee yahooie for me) and the third race we threw out, as he was tackled half way down the line and I clearly beat his socks off…unofficially =P It is fun to have active kids, often a task to try and keep up, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! I’m a winner hands down when it comes to wonderful kids!