My children are spoiled- I don’t need to be the first to admit it, as I’m fully aware and YOU are too if you’ve met them. Spoiled WITH LOVE mostly!! So, every now and then I will ask them “would you like me to get you anything” and instead of a “yeah mom could you grab me a……” they BOTH reply with “Make me a something surprise” I guess it began when Blake became more picky and I had to sneak healthy into his diet. You know, like Ants On A Log (Celery with peanut butter and raisins) or when I add yogurt and mixed berries with a scoop of ice cream and he thinks it is only a fruit milk shake =) It use to be that I would go into the kitchen and they would WAIT on the surprise, but not with Charlie Mae. She wants to HELP with the something surprise. This particular morning I took wheat rolls and we created (for Blake)
fun to think someday they might say to their own children “would you like me to make you something my mom use to make for me, it is SO silly but SO yummy”…icing on the cake, carrot cake that is with low fat cream cheese frosting!
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