So, we venture into the unknown- three grown adults leaving their families and responsibilities behind for a weekend of nothing but, silliness really. We made the trek from
We arrived at the condo, a nice spot… if those walls could speak, they would tell all who entered to have the time that we did. It was great!! Being the oldest, I made sure to use my status and I got the BIG ROOM with the COZY bed =))
Awwww how sweet it was. I had the bathroom to myself as well. Really though, it didn’t matter where I laid my head, because what really mattered took place at the dining room table, where we sat and played cards, laughed and giggled about things we’d forgotten and things we’ll never forget. GOOD TIMES!

We ventured into Sun Valley to see the sights- not a lot happening in Sun Valley that weekend, but that didn’t bother us, we made our fun! We visited the SV Resort and viewed the photos of the famous who had been there before us. Along the drive we found an old Union Pacific Rail Road Bridge, which had obviously not been used for many years, as it was paved ( or attempted to be) over and worn out. Oh the goofy laughs as we portrayed the tourists that we are in such a fun display of red neck fashion. My sister with her camera and my brother and I with not a care in the world- it was a perfect combination
THE MINT also known as Bruce Willis’ bar was there- we were excited to be apart of something so “Hollywood” however, it was under construction, aside form the owners who were busy cleaning up the place the place was empty and NO sign of Bruce. No problem, we made our own fun using the marquee to note DARYL was the main attraction for the night
We played, we laughed, we laughed some more. We had some great meals and we laughed some more. It was one of the best times with my brother and sister and one I look forward to topping next year- that is if it can be done, we’ll give it a whirl. I’m blessed to have my siblings & I hope that my children have the same love and silliness with one another that we share. I shared with my son, who is the oldest, how wonderful it is to have one another & that I hoped that some day he & his sister would celebrate their friendship as we did.
We played, we laughed, we laughed some more. We had some great meals and we laughed some more. It was one of the best times with my brother and sister and one I look forward to topping next year- that is if it can be done, we’ll give it a whirl. I’m blessed to have my siblings & I hope that my children have the same love and silliness with one another that we share. I shared with my son, who is the oldest, how wonderful it is to have one another & that I hoped that some day he & his sister would celebrate their friendship as we did.
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