I have been searching for the perfect outfit to wear to Amy's 40th. I've concluded I'm trying too hard. Jamie, who is driving on this road adventure from Oregon to Utah didn't have any problem at all finding things. She found not one, but three pairs of shoes (she only has two feet!) and a great outfit. Me, I found a great new bag... which I won't be able to wear to the party, and have concluded that if I just relax about it I'll stumble onto something... might even help if I knew what I was searching for! We'll be going to Park City .. and it is FREEZING there....and the plan is to go to an OUTDOOR concert... Good thing I love coats, I've got plenty to choose from there, but THE PARTY? Uggg ... to be continued!
My next adventure was today, I had my first official meeting to design a couples kitchen! I've been working toward this for months, and am THRILLED to have my first official job! It is amazingly fun to have the freedom of taking your creative ability and style and utilize it to help someone think outside the box and discover a great new idea for their environment! The couple was great, giving me what it is that they would like to see, asking for a lot of input and concluding that I was attentive and that they felt confident that I would return with a design that we could consider. WOW! If I had this much confidence in myself, I would be amazing... perhaps in time! I've been writing notes and doing research most of the day- the anticipation of producing a great design is overwhelming me. I can't wait to lay it out!
My brother came over tonight for dinner with his family. My brother is AWESOME... if anyone knows me well, it is my brother. It is as though we are one soul in two bodies, it is amazing. When we get together we have A BLAST! We have the same sense of humor and sometimes it just takes looking at one another and we bust up... and we could be laughing for hours over NOTHING. Funniest part is,
that those in the room with us will find that they are laughing too...and they have no idea why- it is infectious... I love it! It is like we warp back to when we were kids, what a great time we have! I am blessed to have such a great relationship with my siblings. I get along well with all three of them, they on the other hand, do not get along with one another... it is frustrating at times, because I don't understand why they can't just accept the flaws or opinions in one another... and don't understand why they are able to accept them in me.. Ohhhh I have flaws! Not so much opinions ...I'm one of those roll with the punches kinda gals, unless I feel passionately about something, in which case I'll stand up. So glad that my son & daughter have one another.. and hope that they always appreciate one another the way they do now....silliness and all!