After work, I had a short while before I needed to pick up a girlfriend for a movie...Blak
e was out side
shooting hoops. Th
ere are days when I just enjoy sitting back out of sight watching him. He is a determined young man! He will shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot....and make it much of the time. He asks me to play PIG with him a lot, and every now and then I cave and play... I stink at basketball and I don't have near the patience that he does to work at it. Give me a ball and glove, a soccer ball or a football, I'm good... a basketball, might as well wrap me in duck tape and leave me for dead.. I'm worthless! So as he shot ball after ball, I watched him.. I really watched him, I watched how from time to time he would talk to himself, he'd smile big when he made a rare shot and would roll his eyes when it would bounce off the rim. He is growing up so quickly. One day I'll look out the window and that little boy will be big, he'll be dunking that ball without even trying. Breaks my heart to think about it. As it is now he is only 4 inches shorter than I am... won't be long and he'll be able to slam dunk me =O Sometimes I sit and wonder where the baby went. And then, I find myself smiling at the awesome young man that is before me... I love being his mom!
After taking in the hoop fest, I scrambled myself together to pick up my girlfriend so we could meet up with other girlfriends for a movie... 27 Dresses. Very cute "chick flick"... very funny, and a great message. Sometimes what you think you are looking for, isn't what you are looking for at all. We think we know ourselves soo well, but truth is we get our mind so set on certain things that when what we really want comes along, we over look it. I wonder in my life where it is that I do this, and will I realize it... Do I maybe realize it but just not admit it? Hum... food for thought... which declares that a good movie in my book... Made me smile, laugh and walk away thinking.
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