So, after work, the mop top & I went for retail therapy! She was in need of a few new things for spring and I was looking for a great something to wear to a party next w
eekend...Amy turns FOUR OH... Amy, being my OLDER cousin =P. Back to the retail therapy...
SO, I found nothing for me...and really did expect that I would~ BUT the mop top did score a few fun spring things...and was excited to model them as soon as
we were through the front door! I captured her in her new attire ~ she wanted to take a few photos too, and captured me. She loves the camera!
The big smile in my day came when I was getting the mop top ready for bed, she was running off and turned around and came back to me.
Very serious, she reached out to hug me & with such a sweet voice said to me "Thank you mom for taking me shopping at JC Penny today, I love my cute cute outfits" BIGGGG HUG.....awwww these are the moments that make me think what ever is bugging me is really not as big as I allow it to be. I'll head to bed smiling that I'm loved as much as I am by the sweetest little princess, and thankful I have a friend who is doing better. I'll hope & pray that his day is good, no... GREAT tomorrow and that my day is as well. Because it will only be as great as I allow it to be =D oh if it were only that easy.. Optimistically POSSIBLE though
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