A Girl With A Camera...Capturing Her World....

The blog you are about to read is written by a girl who has a camera and a lap top. I do not claim to be a writer nor do I claim to be a photographer.... I play one however, upon this screen. Everything posted is true to the best of my recollection =D This is my story, facts are true, the people are real and Yep, I am truly this blessed!

Monday, June 11, 2012

A First Date To Top All.. So Far!

THIS was my view yesterday of Athena/Weston/Adams and the Blue Mountains... BREATH TAKING! It was almost as amazing as the wonderful guy who wanted to make HIS first date with me my MOST MEMORABLE DATE ever....IT WAS!  Not to say it can't be topped, because it is possible.   BUT, he wins up to this point in my life.   AND the most incredible part wasn't JUST the airplane ride, or that he taught me how to fly... it was the fact that when he called to ask me out, he said "MEET ME AT THE BASEBALL FIELD IN ADAMS"... ohhh I love baseball, HA!  He only said that, as he knew I wouldn't make excuses or be late... come on I mean BASEBALL :)  I arrived to an empty field, solo fella standing there with a big grin.  Wanna take a walk?   WEIRD, but ummm OK.   Walking and talking and then... I wanna take you flying.  Me.... really, you want to share that with ME?    
He was great, so kind, so thoughtful, was careful not to scare me and didn't fight back when his buddy buzzed us in a game of chicken HA..  
I'm not sure what will become of the Pilot and I ~ my jury is still on the fence with this one. Oh my friends aren't they are all about GO FOR IT... and a lot of "you dummy what's your problem"  He is adorable, sweet, kind and very nice. He's thoughtful too.  There isn't a problem, there just isn't an incredible overwhelming I can't wait to be with him again, and well... you need that I think if you are REALLY into someone.  Not that I've written him off, I have not. But, I've also not dove in both feet either, I've dangled my foot and it was nice, one day at a time is all I'm capable of at this moment in time.  And right now, he seems to be okay with that.    SO... AMAZING day!  FABULOUS first date! WONDERFUL guy!   SCARED girl... yep, pretty much sums it up.

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