A Girl With A Camera...Capturing Her World....

The blog you are about to read is written by a girl who has a camera and a lap top. I do not claim to be a writer nor do I claim to be a photographer.... I play one however, upon this screen. Everything posted is true to the best of my recollection =D This is my story, facts are true, the people are real and Yep, I am truly this blessed!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Filter In Filter Out

So I have an amazing circle of friends!  I do, incredible really.  And they are often sharing how impressed they are with my positive attitude and strength when it comes to coping and dealing with things.    Can I be honest ~ it's my blog, of course I can : )  And I should!  
I have not always been THIS way.  Ohh for years I've been optimistic and positive and shined a happy light on things, but shhhh don't tell anyone, it was a big fat fake front so I didn't have to deal with the reality I was facing.  Ugg...   I was in an unhappy place and it was easier to fake it than deal with it.   Lesson learned years later, it is much easier to face the beast head on and move on than put on a pretty face and fake it!

So today, I am positive. I am happy and I am surrounded by positive, happy, wonderful friends!  I have 'decluttered' and removed the negative people from my daily life.  I didn't really REMOVE them, just put distance between us so that their toxic attitudes and behaviors wouldn't taint my beautiful happy let's get a lil' silly sometimes waters.   And each morning when I wake up I spend at least 45 minutes filling my mind with positive words, my eyes with happy visuals and my heart with uplifting verses.  I am a believer sincerely that filter in filter out. There it is..THE SECRET, I've let it out. 

Oh and I think sprinkling in a nice mixing of KLOVE music, or whatever your favorite Christian music .. do a HAPPY dance in the morning before you hit the door and if you get real adventurous, grab a pen and doodle on yourself ~ Yep I'm serious! Or put your hair in pig tails, wear a tee with a silly quote or picture just because you can, jump on the rope swing and sway a little, grab your child's bike and take it for a spin or spike your hair.   Step outside the comfort zone and do something silly.... you've got it... see you are already smiling thinking hummmm what should I do.   Atta kid ; )

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