A Girl With A Camera...Capturing Her World....

The blog you are about to read is written by a girl who has a camera and a lap top. I do not claim to be a writer nor do I claim to be a photographer.... I play one however, upon this screen. Everything posted is true to the best of my recollection =D This is my story, facts are true, the people are real and Yep, I am truly this blessed!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Power Of Words

It is not common practice for me to take a stand on things. And most certainly not a public stand putting my emotions, thoughts or opinions out there.  Today I was struck by something so upsetting, I couldn't take a stand soon enough.

While I was getting coffee this morning, there was a photo on the front page of the East Oregonian Newspaper stating their had been a fatal crash and that three were dead. Tragic as that is, that isn't what sent me into my whirl wind of emotions and frustration.  It was the photo BIG on the front page taking up the entire top half of the two vehicles on fire in a distance. You were able to see clearly that there was an explosion of some type and that the damage was beyond measure. It was the photo at the bottom of that vision, it was the photo of a teenager, lying in the road with men trying to help her. Covered in blood and not aware of what was happening around her.  It was shocking. It was heartbreaking.

I took it upon myself through process of Face Book, to post on the newspapers page my thoughts on their lack of tact and class.  The following was posted on both the newspapers site, as well as my own page

"Highly disappointed in the lack of class & sympathy as I see the front of today’s East Oregonian. Lives were lost in a tragic accident and they choose of all photos one of someone injured, with a face viewable for all to see. Where is the care & concern for the families involved? This is one of many reasons why I no longer subscribe to the East Oregonian. The paper is more useful for lining bird cages than informing with its slanted information and political views. The lack of class in glorifying the tragic, life changing and unfortunate events in lives is simply not necessary. SO disappointed." 

There were over 200+ people who viewed that post, or more. The 200 is from those who made comment of "liked" the post.  It struck a cord in many and the stand was shared, that it was very distasteful.   The East Oregonian posted an apology of sorts, but not really. Stating it was freedom of speech and photo journalism.  Ohhh you bet your sweet tea I commented on that!   And again, many people shared they supported my opinion.

My point isn't that I'm a super hero with words.  I am not.  My point is that there is a power in words and when used with true heart, they touch many.  I didn't post to get any one's attention, but to share that I was so disappointed. 
My hope it that the EO will take note of that short blurb and take into consideration the power of the words they print upon the pages of their own paper.  And to consider in the future the impact of a photo that shook the community.   My heart goes out to the families, the friends, the co-workers and those in our community who are being shaken by this tragic event.  God Bless and keep them and may this tragedy bring to light, the power of words in a positive way.

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