A Girl With A Camera...Capturing Her World....

The blog you are about to read is written by a girl who has a camera and a lap top. I do not claim to be a writer nor do I claim to be a photographer.... I play one however, upon this screen. Everything posted is true to the best of my recollection =D This is my story, facts are true, the people are real and Yep, I am truly this blessed!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I saw this photo of a stop light on Pinterest this morning and thought... AHHH HA!  That's how I want to live my life.   Yep, not at a stop light but someone on a journey, excited to be going somewhere... MOVING FORWARD 

When I see a GREEN LIGHT it is a happy expression of MOVE! GO! GET! YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY!
When I see a YELLOW LIGHT, it means you either hit the gas and get yourself through, or you slow down and take the moment to wait....bring it to a slow roll and allow yourself a moment to think about what you are going to do
When I see a RED LIGHT, sometimes I'm going to admit I think EERRRR SERIOUSLY! Really... I was going along just fine and RED where did that come from, screeching to a stop and being upset as I sit there~ Typically impatient waiting on the light to turn GREEN

Here is the thing about my stop light life ~ I need to realize that just like on the road, it life there are reasons for such lights.  When God has me on GREEN, it is smooth sailing, keeping track of my surroundings, watching what's going on around me.  Focused enjoying the journey and happy about how it is progressing along.

When God gives me the YELLOW, I can do two things.. I can say HA! I know what I am doing and don't need to slow down, I'm on my way.. here I goooo. OR I can slow down & realize that the light is there to be CAUTIOUS.  To slow me down and take note of how the journey is going.  To allow me time to sit and listen... typically its my radio in the car, but in life, it's to God.  What is He trying to tell me.  Is there something to be cautious of, or do I just need to slow down.

RED LIGHTS, ohhh I don't always appreciate the red light.. ROAD BLOCK to where I'm going.  BUT!  There are times when I get the RED light and realize, oh good I can take care of ... whatever that something is within the car that I need to, be it grab a snack or find a CD.   With God, my RED LIGHTS are... STOP.  Do not move forward.  Listen to me, I know what is ahead and I need you to know that we are not to go down that road.   RED lights aren't always fun, BUT... they can be productive, it we STOP and LISTEN.  Because sometimes it is at the RED light where you realize, oh hey, if I go this way...... OR.... When God says, GO UP HERE AND HANG A RIGHT, I have a better route up ahead for you.

Today, I'm going to proceed with my eyes open, ears available to hear and my heart fully charged and ready to go. I intend to hand over my road map, and allow God to take the wheel... lead me to the lights along the way and get me to the destination. 
The place where He has been preparing me, for what He has prepared for me
~ Oh I do love the sounds of that!

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