A Girl With A Camera...Capturing Her World....

The blog you are about to read is written by a girl who has a camera and a lap top. I do not claim to be a writer nor do I claim to be a photographer.... I play one however, upon this screen. Everything posted is true to the best of my recollection =D This is my story, facts are true, the people are real and Yep, I am truly this blessed!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

God Is Preparing Me

God is preparing me, for who HE has prepared for me....
God is preparing me, for WHO HE has prepared for me....

It is so easy to sit and be sad, pouty, mad and frustrated. But it is much easier to be grateful.  Grateful that through life's journey God puts small mercies in our lives that allow us to grow. Grow in our own self, and grow in God. To GROW.

I want to be like that seedling today, that you place in the soil, you nurture and you wait. And wait and wait, and then.... you see something!  There is a small tiny itty bitty something that appears to be coming up through the soil. 

You wait, you wait and you wait.  Oh yes, there it is, a glimmer of the top of what appears to be a seedling.  You water, you make sure there is light and you wait, and wait and wait.  Days go by and that little, tiny itty bitty seedling begins to realize, it is alright to poke through the solid. It is good to stretch and grow. 

And as you turn away just for a moment, that seedling POPS through the solid and the seed, which you genitally laid within the soil, has changed. It has completely changed.  There is something wonderful about it now.  It has life.    And as you watch, you see that as it begins to push through the soil it continues to change and grow.

ohhh the excitement.

And then you wait, and wait and wait.  In time that seed that you placed within the soil has become something beautiful.  It grows and it takes on a new shape, and it is exciting. Oh the changes, the colors ~ oh my the colors.   And just when you thought you were experiencing the most exciting part of this growth process from that little seed, it bares fruit. 

Awe, the fruit.  You took the time to nurture and be patient.  You cared, you watered and you gave light.  And now, there is something beautiful bearing fruit, something wonderful to be shared. Something you weren't even expecting.

I want to be that seedling. I want to grow. I am going to nurture myself and seek the light, God's light.  And I'm going to wait.  And wait. 

And I'm going to emerge from the soil, a bit scared perhaps at times of what might be ahead, but excited because I know that there is something exciting happening.  I know that in time, with patience and trust I will bare fruit.  I will bear the fruits that God has placed within me.    And I will wait.  I will wait for God to place the right gardener in my life.   The one who will continue to be patient, to nurture, to water & give me light.  

 I am going to wait on God to bring that person, the gardener into my life, the one who he has been preparing for me.   Because I believe


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